Magnolia grandiflora
Common Name —— southern magnolia
Family —————— Magnoliaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 7 – 9
Form ——————— densely pyramidal, low branching evergreen
Height/Spread ——– > 12.0 m / 4.0 – 8.0 m
Water ——————– Medium
Soil ———————– Moist; well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun to part shade
Leaves —————— evergreen; alternate; simple; obvate-oblong or elliptic
Flower —————— May – June; creamy white; fragrant
Fruit ——————— September – November; rose-red follicles; thick petals
Limitation ————- prone to horse chestnut scale, capsid bug, snails, coral spot and huney fungus
Strength —————- excellent flowers
Use ———————– as specimen plant in open space