Prunus x yedoensis
Common Name —— Yoshino cherry; somei Yoshino
Family —————— Rosaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 5 – 8
Form ——————— deciduous tree
Height/Spread ——– > 12.0 m / > 8.0 m
Water ——————– medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun
Leaves —————— deciduous; alternate; simple; oval; broadly ovate to obovate
Fall Colour ———— green
Flower —————— March; pink or white
Fruit ——————— drupes; shining black or red; globose
Limitation ————- prone to silver leaf, bacterial canker, blossom wilt, caterpillars and leaf-mining moths
Strength —————- low maintenance
Use ———————– as specimen tree