Rosa rugosa
Common Name —— beach rose
Family —————— Rosaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 2
Form ——————— shrub
Height/Spread ——– 1.2 -1.8 m / 1.2 – 1.8 m
Water ——————– medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained; slight acidic
Sunlight —————- full sun to part shade
Leaves —————— deciduous; compound; alternate; dark green; 5 -9 leaflets
Fall Colour ———— orange
Flower —————— summer; showy; pink/red/white/violet; single (petal)
Fruit ——————— September – October; hips; bright orange-red; big
Limitation ————- prone to powdery mildew, cankers, rusts, black-spot, aphids and beetles
Strength —————- resistant to wind and salted soil
Use ———————– as hedge, screen, specimen plant; in coastal area