Zelkova serrata
Common Name —— Japanese zelkova
Family —————— Ulmaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 5
Form ——————— large tree
Height/Spread ——– 15 – 25 m / 15 – 25 m
Water ——————– medium to wet
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained
Sunlight —————- full sun
Leaves —————— deciduous; alternate; simple; ovate; serrated
Fall Colour ———— yellow to red-brown
Flower —————— spring; green; small
Fruit ——————— drupe; triangular; non-showy
Limitation ————- prone to leaf miner, beetles and scale
Strength —————- tolerant to air pollution, some drought
Use ———————– as shade tree, street tree; in lawn
ID ————————- distinct leaf; attractive bark