Gaultheria shallon (N)
Common Name —— shallon
Family —————— Ericaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 3 – 8
Form ——————— low growing shrub
Height/Spread ——– 0.2 – 5.0 m / 0.5 – 1.0 m
Water ——————– medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained; acidic
Sunlight —————- part shade to full shade
Leaves —————— evergreen; alternate; simple; shinny; dark green
Flower —————— June – July; pink-white; bell-shaped; small
Fruit ——————— capsule; dark purple
Limitation ————- prone to aphids, thrips, leaf spot and mildew
Use ———————– as ground cover; in woodlands, gardens
ID ————————- bell-shaped small flowers; low growing form