Abies grandis (N)
Common Name ——grand fir; western white fir
Family —————— Pinaceae
Hardiness Zone —— 5 – 6
Form ——————— tall, straight tree
Height/Spread ——– 75 m / 8 m
Water ——————– low to medium
Soil ———————– moist; well-drained; acidic
Sunlight —————- full sun to full shade
Leaves —————— evergreen; dark green; glossy; two white lines underneath; long
Cone ——————— yellowish; 5 – 10 cm long
Bark ——————— greyish brown
Smell ——————– grape-fruit-peel-like
Limitation ————- prone to atmospheric pollution
Strength —————- heat and wind tolerant; easy to shape
Use ———————– as specimen tree; in woodland garden for canopy; north-facing slope
ID ———————— long glossy needles; 2 ranks; long needles; usually found with Douglas fir