Chinese Foreign Aid is Bad News for Development

The “No Strings Attached” pitch comes with major caveats.

by Andy Wu

People cheer and throw confetti after Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta flags off a cargo train for its inaugural journey to Nairobi last year at the port of the coastal town of Mombasa. The railway is a major infrastructure project funded by Chinese foreign development aid.

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Partisan Gerrymandering in America and How to Stop It


by Andy Wu

On June 27, 2019, the Supreme Court issued its decision on Rucho v. Common Cause, a landmark case regarding partisan gerrymandering. The 5-4 decision split the conservative and liberal justices, and ruled that the federal courts cannot review allegations of partisan gerrymandering. Chief Justice John Roberts, siding with the majority, expressed opposition to partisan gerrymandering, but also stated that to stop partisan gerrymandering is the prerogative of the states and Congress, not the federal courts. (Chung & Hurley, 2019) Continue reading “Partisan Gerrymandering in America and How to Stop It”

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