Tag Archives: Cestius Pius

Cestius Pius

Cestius Pius

Declaimer of the Augustan period, and one of those most frequently cited by Seneca. Of unknown ethnic origin: he may have been a Greek from the East (Seneca says he was from Smyrna – modern Izmir in Turkey) who got his citizenship from one of the senatorial Cestii. He could, however, instead be a descendant of some of the Cestii who settled in the East as businesspeople. Despite his Eastern origin he only declaimed in Latin in Rome. He attacked Cicero; and in his school it was said that students only read those of Cicero’s speeches to which he had composed replies (they also memorized those replies). He was once whipped by Cicero’s son at a banquet for his insults against Cicero.

According to Seneca he was capable of being a great speaker, but too frequently played to the crowd with a corrupt style (Contr 9.6.12).