Arnab Chaudhary and Tashi Lhazom

November 28, 6:30pm-8pm PST (Nepal: November 29, 8:15-9:45am)

Arnab Chaudhary in conversation with Tashi Lhazom

The latest scientific report, Hi-WISE, revealed the fast disappearance of snow and ice in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya with “grave implications for people and nature.”

On the eve of COP 28, the Indigenous Asia Online Speaker series is hosting a conversation between Tashi Lhazom and Arnab Chaudhary, Indigenous climate youth activists from Nepal. They will offer insights and perspectives based on their lived experience and active engagement in environmental justice movements.



Tashi Lhazom is a climate justice activist, Indigenous storyteller and independent filmmaker whose various work intersect at the nexus of identity politics, climate change and grassroots empowerment. She is a co-founder of Limi Unity Cooperative Society which brings tourism benefit to her community in the Limi valley.

She holds Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (Honors) from Hindu College, University of Delhi.


Interview between Tashi Lhazom and Swiss Ambassador to Nepal Elisabeth von Capeller


Arnab Chaudhary belongs to Indigenous Tharu community. He advocates for Indigenous representation and space within environmental justice movement. He is actively engaged in policy intervention and public interest litigation in the Supreme Court of Nepal on issues related to socio-economic, cultural, environmental, and climate justice. He currently serves as the operation director for Harin Nepal, a youth-led organization promoting intersectional environmentalism in Nepal. He is also a board member of the All-In Foundation, and a youth council member of the Global Home for Indigenous Peoples (GH4IP).


Indigenous Community Media Youth Fellowship, Cultural Survival




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