Sonam Choekyi


OCTOBER 19, 7pm-8pm PST

Follow Rinzin as she takes her annual winter trade following traditional salt and grain route from home in Saldang, high Himalayan village, to southern lowlands in search of pasture and to take up weaving jobs so she can collect grains. This exhibition was part of Women of the World (WOW), organized to shine an uncompromising light on hardships and struggle of women in remote mountain region of Dolpo.

Rinzin’s Story is available here.


Born in a small village of Tso, Sonam Choekyi explores her native land Dolpo for personal inspiration. She is an Indigenous conservation storyteller and field researcher, whose work focuses on issues at the intersection of conservation, Indigenous knowledge, and traditional livelihood with a particular attention to mountain women.



Tashi Ghale is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at Washington University in Saint Louis, USA. His research analyzes the intricate relationship ofinfrastructures, caste, & indigeneity configured in the imperial, colonial & neoliberal forces of the global South. He’s also the co-founder of the Haatemalo Collective, one of the anti-caste organizations from Nepal imagining alternative pathways of liberation.

Featured photoessays by Sonam Choekyi:

Nepali Times

November 9, 2021: How the climate crisis adds to child marriage in Nepal

As harvests fail due to drought and floods, girls from marginalised families are forced to marry earlier to escape poverty

October 23, 2020: Trekking to Save Nepal’s Snow Leopards


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