8 Disputable Reasons Why We Don’t Need Offices


I was browsing the Forbes website, and this article caught my interest. Jacob Morgan offers 8 “indisputable” reasons why modern businesses no longer need an actual office building. While I agree with most of the points made in the article, Morgan’s assumption that employees are more productive at home is debatable. Since work environments and how employees behave in them vary greatly, the point oversimplifies a complicated issue. Whether an employee is more focused working in an office or at home depends on that workers’ tendency to lose focus and the amount of distractions in the office and the home, respectively.

I believe that physical office spaces will remain an important part of businesses for a long time. Although recent technological advancements have made “telecommuting” a viable way for employees to work, there is no actual substitute for face-to-face interaction. When I Skype my parents, I can hear their voices and see their faces, but it still feels different than spending time with them in person. Also, it would be inappropriate to negotiate formal agreements through a screen or a microphone. Personally, I would not like to be fired or promoted over the phone.

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