The First Social Network

In her post on Forbes, Paula Rosenblum discusses the success of QVC. QVC, which stands for “Quality, Value, Convenience”, originated as a television network that specializes in selling products to consumers in the comfort of their own homes. Their television broadcasts, which they use to market their products, feature live testimonies from customers that call-in. Customers are given the opportunity to hear someone else’s personal experience with a  product before buying it. Regardless of whether or not a potential customer’s taste will match that of the one giving his/her opinion on the product, the fact that he/she already bought the product makes their testimony feel credible.

I agree with Paula Rosenblum’s argument that QVC could be considered the world’s first social network. QVC has been able to cultivate a loyal customer base by creating a social experience for shoppers. Although that shopping experience may not be as personal as one provided by Facebook or Pinterest (which is created with feedback from a customer’s friends), QVC’s  success can be attributed to their efforts in generating community engagement

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