Global Citizens

Hi there fellow bloggers and readers!

This is going to be my first blog post here, so I’m going to tell you guys a little bit about myself. I am currently a freshman in UBC studying in the faculty of arts. In UBC, they offer a program for arts students called CAP. CAP has many different streams such as Individuals and Society, Global Citizens (the one I’m in), Media Studies, etc.

So for global citizen’s students, we had an online mini discussion about what being a global citizen means. There were a lot of great ideas, definitions and thoughts about global citizens. But for me personally, a global citizen is someone who understands what is happening around them i.e the world. Understanding the world locally and globally through political factors, social factors, etc. A global citizen is also someone who shows concern of their surroundings and feel the urge to make a better change for their society because they feel like it is a part of their responsibilities.

Another great thing about being a CAP student is that we had two events last week which is the CAP gathering where students and professors from all CAP’s streams got to meet for a “tea time” and had small talks. The other major event was the joint lecture which all Global Citizen stream’s professors and students were gathered in one room to discuss further more about what a global citizen really means in political, sociological and literature/English view. We had so much fun and gained so much knowledge that deepens our understandings about global citizens

In sociological view, a global citizen usually translates local issues and problems into larger global context and provide possible explanations or the other way around. They also understand local and global cases of inequality to understand better about social problems and provide more effective actions.

Sociology and politics have different views of global citizens. In sociology it focuses more on how people act, think, reason and understand social life whereas in politics, it focuses more about being a cosmopolitanism, which means citizen of the world. Politics focuses more about system of orders in the society and how it creates conflicts about people’s different purposes.

Last but not least, the English view of global citizens. The main focuses of English is how they can create analyses, imagines solutions and reproduces about social issues and experience. English can also create personal stories about political and sociological phenomena. English can also express politics by rewriting dominant ideas and express sociology by cultural practices i.e poetry, graphic novels, etc about social issues such as social justice, human rights, etc.

I think that is it for today’s post and if you guys have any questions or ideas to share, please don’t hesitate to leave comments down below!

Till next time,

Inneke S

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