Reflection # 1

To day I would like to reflect on the topic of  learners in traditional shop programs (wood, metal,auto)  are quite varied in intelligence, personalities, behaviour issues, and English maybe their second language. Anxiety and stress around the theoretical and test portion of technology programs can be crippling for some students. They can do the practical work, but the theory is a challenge  do to the fact that translation from head to page is a daunting task.  My Inquiry question is there a better way of assessing non-academic learners? Perhaps with the aid of current digital technology students and teacher could communicate in a different way; maybe video taping student’s demonstrating  a certain technique or procedure in stead of writing a test. Students take shop program for a variety of reasons.  Most do not want to pursue a career in the trades, nevertheless, the skills students learn in the programs are transferable skills they can use in many areas of their lives.  Every year there are a few students that desire to take their technology education to the next level. It is these students that I especially enjoyed working with and mentoring, as I found their enthusiastic and passionate energy invigorating and it stimulated my own creative juices. The purpose of any school is to prepare students for their future however, this does not mean exclusively academic pursuits, it can also mean trades related knowledge. Skills learned in a hands on-work environment can help prepare students for the work world by teaching a healthy work ethic, how to work in a group/team, responsibility, time management, and leadership.  After high school  some students move on to apprenticeships and skill based learning; ultimately earning more than some university graduates. Through my Inquiry I hope to discouver new evaluation and assessment tools in which to aid my students.

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