Hello world

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My name is Naomi Schettini and I am a fourth year student at UBC in the Global Resource Systems program. I’m in the course APBI 315: Animal Welfare and the Ethics of Animal Use, to which this blog is dedicated.

My main focus in my program is understanding the role animals have in the food system and how we can improve the welfare of animals while also engaging in environmentally sound and sustainable farming practices. I also think it’s important to focus on this subject in contexts of the developing world- since they are the youngest and fastest growing populations on the Earth. SomeĀ of the most underrated members of the food system are bugs, not only are many of them pollinators, they are also the most powerful in numbers and the Scientific community is discovering amazing things they’re capable of doing to alleviate some of the negative consequences of our consumption habits as humans – one of those being eating compost/food waste!