The Northern Gateway Pipelines: A Ticking Time Bomb?


The Enbridge Northern Gateway Project is a proposal to construct twin pipeline between Bruderheim, Alberta and Kitimat, British Columbia.  The eastbound pipeline would import natural gas condensate to dilute crude oil produced from the Athabasca oil sands.  The westbound pipeline would then transport petroleum to the new marine terminal in Kitimat, BC where it would be transported to Asia by oil tankers.

Although Enbridge claims that the proposed pipelines would provide residents of northern BC and Alberta employment opportunity, skills development, procurement opportunities and contributions to the community and province through a secure tax base, the project has been highly contested by First Nations groups, environmentalists and oil sands opponents.

“The war is on,” said Nadleh Whut’en Chief Martin Louie after an Enbridge shareholder meeting.  “Enbridge and the government are going to go on fighting us. How far are they willing to go to kill off the human beings of this country?”

Environmental groups including GreenPeace have cited their opposition to the pipeline proposal.  Environmentalists argue that the transport of crude oil from Kitimat is risky.  In a YouTube video, environmental activists describe the narrow passageway off the coast of Kitimat that prove to be rough navigation for an oil tankard.  Should a spill occur, it would be especially hazardous due to the explosive properties of diluted bitumen and the concentration of toxins.

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