Invited Participants

The Intersection Workshop brought together scholars within the disciplines of child and youth studies, education, mathematics, and psychology, working at the intersection of language, learning, and culture. Below is the list of participants and the titles of their presentations.

Dr. Karen Martin: Aboriginal children and families
Dr. Eunice Romero-Little: PhotoVoice Project: Becoming Jemez: The Early Childhood of Jemez Children
Professor Eve Gregory: Learning to belong: Young children learning through faith in new London communities
Professor Terezinha Nunes: What is involved in modeling the world with mathematics?

Invited participants
Dr. Ann Anderson, Ji-Eun Kim & Sylvia McLellan: Parents and children playing board games: Learning and culture
Dr. Jim Anderson,  Nicola Friedrich, Fiona Morrison & Laura Teichert: Working with Immigrant and Refugee Communities in a Bilingual Family Literacy Program: Some insights and issues
Dr. Marilyn Chapman: Literacy Functions and Genres within “Webkinz World”
Dr. Eurydice Bauer: Young Children’s Inventions and Reinventions of Self and the Role of Context
Dr. Jan Hare: Indigenous Pedagogies in Early Learning Settings
Dr. Luigi Iannacci: Community Participation in ECE: Power Relations, Tensions and Possibilities
Dr. Guofang Li: Social class, Culture and Asian Children’s Home and School Literacy Connection:  The Case for Cultural Reciprocity in Early Literacy Education
Dr. Lisa Lunney-Borden & Elizabeth Munroe: Motion, space, and playing with number: Learning from Aboriginal languages to create mathematical experiences for young children
Dr. Margaret MacDonald, Dr. Danièle Moore & Seliselwet Bibiana Norris: Halq’eméylem Language Revitalization
Dr. Marianne McTavish, Dr. Kimberly Lenters, & Dr.  Jim Anderson: Reconceptualizing “family time” in family literacy programs: Lessons learned from refugee and immigrant families
Dr. Cynthia Nicol , Alison Gear & Joanne Yovanovich: Tluuway Waadluxan: Considering place for connecting math, community and culture
Dr. Amy Parks: Sailing the Ship While We Study It: Culturally Responsive Research Strategies in Early Childhood Contexts
Dr. Eunice Romero-Little: Before Pre-school Language and Literacy Learning of Young Indigenous/Pueblo children
Dr. Linda Siegel: Improving the Language and Literacy Skills of English Language Learners