
  • 3/21 Friday – Edward – Organize Google Docs

  • 3/23 Sunday:

    • Noon – Everyone – Personal reasons on doc

    • Afternoon – Edward –  Finish website links

    • Night – Paul – Aggregate info for “About” Page

  • 3/24 Monday – TBA – Post Research Schedule and “About” Page

  • 3/26 Wednesday – Skype Meeting, 8pm PST

    • Prep:

      • Everyone – Read over and pick Top 3 Partner-able Blogs

      • Everyone – Pick 2-3 Articles each pertaining to “Topics” and add into the “Annotated Bibliography” Doc

    • Objectives:

      • Pick a Partner Group

      • Discuss Prepared Articles

  • 3/27 Thursday – TBA – Inform Partner Group

  • 3/30 Sunday – Everyone – Finish Annotated Bibliography sections

  • 3/31 Monday – Cat –  Format and Post “Annotated Bibliography” Page

  • 3/31 Monday – 4/04 Friday – TBA – Schedule a skype meeting with Partnered Group

  • 4/04 Friday – TBA – Complete Homepage
  • 4/04 Friday – 4/11 Friday – Everyone -Engage in Dialogue



  1. This looks great – I am excited! If you want you can share your goggle doc with me – I wont comment or judge your collaboration in any way, but seeing how students collaborate on goggle docs is helpful for learning how to teach in this remarkably transnational era of literacies — and in turn, pedagogy. Thanks and enjoy

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