Northern Gateway Pipeline Controversy

The sheer power that Enbridge has in the Canadian economy, earning $629 million in net income in 2013 and employing roughly 11,000 Canadians, will lead them to the production of their pipeline.

There should not be such a strong view against the creation of this pipeline by the Nakā€™azkli and other First Nations because of all the benefits it will provide them with, just like their past endeavors noted in the article. Although the First Nations are worried about the preservation of the land, wanting to ensure that it will be the same for future generations, this will ensure a prosperous life for their future generations. The financial stake that the First Nations will take in the pipeline will provide a strong base of funding for their future generations to grow and continue their history. This view is shared amongst 40 percent of the First Nations stakeholders in the Northern Gateway pipeline, which proves that the project does benefit all parties in some way.

This debate cannot result in all of the stakeholders being content but a decision should be made in order to benefit Canadian economy, which each stakeholder should respect.

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