Jobs-to-be-done Innovation

Innovation is the best thing a company can do in order to excel above and beyond their competition. This is one fact that I have learned from the Comm 101 course thus far and I now feel that I truly know the meaning of revolution in the business world.

Innovation can take many different forms, for instance, the marketing innovations of Mr. Christensen have changed the way a business should approach its customer base. The most successful companies are consumer centric as opposed to company or product centric in order to surpass their competition, but that isn’t the only job marketing executives face. Jobs-to-be-done marketing has changed the way a marketer should think. This innovating idea changes a company’s way of thinking: their product satisfies a job for their customer. Nothing but this idea can help understand their market and what they are trying to accomplish when purchasing their product, which is exactly what a company needs to know if they want to beat out any competitors. When thinking of the job a product provides, a company can change and improve a product in order to satisfy their customer.

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