Speed & Automation are the Future for Fashion

The e-marketing retail space is becoming more and more crowded, so how did Revolve – a Los Angeles online retailer – take its brand global? The answer is simple: speed and automation. It has a unique inventory replenishment system which “looks at what people are buying, clicking on, putting in their baskets and revisiting, by category, and then automatically restocks new products, with the approval of a human buyer”. By also including items of interest that were placed in carts but abandoned, allows the company to make very fast decisions, vital in such a competitive space.


This data-driven approach is also the reason for Revolve’s success in its international growth, specifically its infiltration in the China market. China is a very difficult market for outside companies to infiltrate, mainly “due to the struggle to translate the brand for the country’s crowded, mobile-driven market”; however, Revolve has succeeded. Its China revenues have been growing at around 80% year after year, making it its biggest international market.



Not only is Revolve using videos to be relevant to the Chinese market – seeing as how “they consume 6 billion hours of video a month” – but the company has also embedded the ability to purchase in the video. This ability to purchase instantly drives the sale by allowing consumers to purchase right then and there – without wait or hassle. Video commerce seems to be the new emerging trend and Revolve has already capitalized on the opportunity with its innovative video-ads.



Not only has the company revolutionized video marketing, but it also incorporates the same instant ability to purchase in its user-generated content. The #RevolveMe program asks user to tag their Revolve outfits for a chance to be featured on the website’s home page. As solely being an online retailer, real-life consumer pictures will inspire confidence in the product fit, as well as build a tight-knit community. So what’s the twist? Revolve embeds the instant buying option into the featured consumer posts, as well as offers suggestions on what you may also want to pair with the featured piece.

Revolve has taken its brand global through continuously asking themselves how consumers are going to shop next, and they’ve revolutionized the online retail space in the process. Nevertheless, the e-commerce space is fierce and competitors will be aiming to create new innovative trends. What will be next?




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