Minimalism in a Maximalist Market

In our current society we are bombarded with ads everywhere we go, and it can become difficult to make decisions. Cathy Lee describes the fictional “minimalist effect” suggested by Antrepo, and the potential benefits such a marketing strategy would have in today’s market.

When entering a super market we are surrounded by complex packaging, requiring us to focus to find the brand we desire. As Cathy stated, wouldn’t the simplest product be the one to attract our eye? Establishing its brand name is the most important factor for a company, considering the fact that consumers associate the quality and appeal of a product to the prestige of the brand; therefore, eliminating other distractions and solely advertising the brand name seems promising.

However, I agree with Cathy that this strategy is only of advantage to the popular brand names that have already claimed a spot in the consumer’s mind. It would be irrelevant for unknown brands to market their name, unless they have a significant cost advantage over the competitor, in which case marketing their name could build their brand’s prestige by positioning itself as a thrifty alternative in the consumer’s mind. Overall, “the minimalist effect” could bring success to big firms evolution in today’s market.

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