The Rise of Social Enterprises in Vancouver: Dark Table

There have been many restaurants in which dining is done in the dark; however, The Dark Table has a point of difference. All its servers are blind or visually impaired. This caught my eye since it is mentioned on their website that the blind or visually impaired are subject to an unemployment rate of 70%. Not only do the customers receive the unforgettable experience of dining in the dark but the restaurant is providing jobs for many people who would be left unemployed.

Through this experience the sighted are able to experience what being blind would be like. The website mentions how all customers must turn off cellphones or any objects that are a source of light, and if a customer needs to use the bathroom, their blind server will lead them through the darkness. Although dining in the darkness is an unforgettable experience, feeling what it would be like to be blind is what I find exceptional about this experience.

Works Cited:

dark-table.jpg (photo)

106_dark-table.jpg (photo)


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