McDonald’s Twitter Campaign Gone Wrong

McDonald’s asked Twitter users to share their “McDStories”; however, the hashtag was filled with stories of bad incidents such as food poisoning and hair in the food. These accusations would usually raise skepticisom about the fast food chain, and instead of suffering through the negative media McDonals’s launched the “Our food. Your Questions.” campaign answering to all of its customer’s questions.

This campaign is receiving tremendous amounts of attention, greatly benefitting McDonalds’ marketing sector. As there are tighter advertisement budgets on broadcast TV advertisement, online advertising is on the rise. Although McDonald’s had to pay a substancial amount of money to launch this campaign, the talk amongst customers acts as advertisement on its own. Also, there is an increased interest in this campaign from countries around the world bringing not only domestic attention but international.

So were the Twitter accusations destroying the company’s brand or did they actually benefit the company? Could the Twitter accusations be the result of McDonald’s first sales drop in 9 years?

Work Cited:

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