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The Road Ahead

    The price of corn next week is expected to be downwards.

     Firstly, it lacks incentive to rise the corn price.  Growing wheat and corn price difference prompted farmers to increase the amount of alternative wheat for feeding livestock.  This is difficult to narrow the prce difference in a short period. The substitution reduces the consumption of maize, to suppress  the price of corn. I will continue to sell corn next week.

      Seconly,grain and soybean prices fell more than 4%, pressured by a seasonal increase in corn and soy supplies as farmers harvest crops in theMidwest.Prices also were weighed down by favorable weather outlooks inSouth America, where farmers are getting ready to plant soybeans and other crops in coming weeks. 

      Thirdly,the weaher will change and have an positive influence on price decrease.the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor update released Thursday showed that recent rainfall benefited parts of the Corn Belt, coming too late to help already damaged corn crops but still likely to plump up maturing soybeans in the fields.

     In conclusion,I will continue to sell corn contract.The price of corn next week is expected to be downwards.

3 Responses to The Road Ahead

  1. mliew

    That’s great analysis Iris. You were right!

  2. Iris Han

    Thank you!

  3. Iris Han

    what’s your next trading going to be??

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