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Archive for October, 2012

The Way Ahead

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

I wanted to offset the short contract of soybean, but it increases in the continuing three days .The demand of continuing increase shows the strong increase trend of cash market instead of temporary information shock. I predict this continue trend may not disappear recently.I will not offset it until the trend becon advantageous. This week […]

Cool Source of Material

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

In recent months, the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean futures fell on the second day in a row to lock in profits and the hedgers thought soybean prices hit a highest price in three and a half weeks. Soybean contract of November decreased, far-month contract rose as traders settled arbitrage trading. The November futures […]

What Went Wrong

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

This week I went a short contract of soybean. The equability is $38983.90. I suffer a loss of  $-1462.50.I am familiar with the trend of corn, and the violability of corn is not as much as soybean. So I always tried corn contract. This week I want to try soybean. Because they are substitution of […]

The Way Ahead

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

I will sell contract of soybean.I will do nothing about contract of corn because the different trends of the report prediction and the future price.  It is difficult to undertake due to lack of speculation theme, and speculators continued reduction of the CBOT soybean long positions. It was triggered by the U.S. soybean harvest decreasing the price gradually become a downtrend  in market.  […]

Cool Source of Meterial

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

On Oct. 11, the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) corn futures on Thursday increase sharply due to the influence of the USDA report in October. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast U.S. and global corn stocks in 2013 will be less than expected, imbalance of demand and supply are expected to result in lowest amount […]

What Went Right

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

These two weeks I sold corn future contract. And I offset it on Oct 17th. Generally, I gain $445, accounting 50% for the whole investment. I thought I had invested smartly this week. What should be mentioned is that I suffered margin call on Oct 11th, when the USDA report was released. I was in […]

The Way Ahead

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

I think the price of corn continue to be downwards. I will sell a corn contract next week. Firstly, many traders believe that the U.S. Department of Agriculture report announced next week, might raise the soybean yields, the increase rate is expected about 2 bushels per acre to 4 bushels, to suppress soybean prices down. […]

Cool Source of Materials

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Cool Source of Materials Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) corn futures fell on Friday due to the seasonal harvest pressure and non-governmental organizations’ higher expectations ofU.S.corn production this year than the government estimated. Economics analyst, said in Friday that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will raise its corn production estimate to 11.194 billion […]

What Went Right and Wrong

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

This week I sell two contracts of corn and soybean. I haven’t offset both contracts until now. Generally, I did not lose too much. But this week the soybean future market is not easy to predict. It fluctuates a lot this week, while the corn increases steadily. Corn Oct 6 price in 753.25 today’s price […]

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