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Cool Source of imformation

I often refer to CME GROUP before I make a order. The price and volume everyday are drawn in detail. The trend is easily to found refering to the graph.       


Additionaly,the comments of many experts are useful and reliable For beginners,the experience of veterans can inspire them how to make a brilliant order,when to trade and offset.I can combine the different opinions and choose the most persuasive opinion.

The most authoritive website is USDA report..The USDA report gives us a reference of  production and global trade quantity. Usually,the price is mainly influenced by the supply quantity.

In agriculture,weather is an main factor. The weather is easily to be predicted due to the  technology.The future price is easily influenced by the production.

Obviously,the US dollar can affect the price of agriculture products.Recently,the value of  US dollar decreases. The other country currency capacity of buy rises. The price is downwards consequently.So,the value of US dollar must be taken into consideration when we analysis the trend of product price.

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