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What Went Right

These two weeks I sold corn future contract. And I offset it on Oct 17th. Generally, I gain $445, accounting 50% for the whole investment. I thought I had invested smartly this week.

What should be mentioned is that I suffered margin call on Oct 11th, when the USDA report was released. I was in panic when I received the email of margin call. But I calmed down myself, finding out the reason result in the sharp decrease. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) corn futures Thursday ended sharply higher, due to the USDA supply and demand report on October. USDA forecastU.S.corn ending stocks at 619 million bushels, the lowest point during 17 years, which is less than analysts’ forecast of 648 million bushels and less than the September forecast of 733 million bushels.I continued holding the contract for six days. Because it was predicted that he soybean sharp decrease may influence the soybean market .Then I offset it and had a big gain.

Oct 11th

Holding 4 – short on C2Z                  mark to market

        price in:       753.25

        today’s price:  773.25

        committed:      $1080.00

        gain/loss:      $-1000.00

        ** margin call of 1000.00 **









Oct 17th

  Position Value: $0.00

        Cash Available: $40446.45

        Equity:         $40446.45

        Realized Gains: $445.00






The former blog I have written mentioned my prediction about the decrease of corn and my uncertainty about soybean market. Many traders believe that the U.S. Department of Agriculture report announced next week, might raise the soybean yields, the increase rate is expected about 2 bushels per acre to 4 bushels, to suppress soybean prices down. And it is not sure that the USDA report’s influence to soybean price is negative or positive. I choose to do nothing with soybean. It is proved that I am right. It is necessary to analysis the whole market and reports and refer to experts’ comments. After collecting information and analysis them, you will be an expert, and gain a lot.

1 Response to What Went Right

  1. Yijeong

    Welcome back to blogging! Enjoyed reading this one. Good to hear that you had a big gain. Keep up the good work!

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