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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Beijing Policy to Reduce Traffic Conjestion

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

As the development of economics, more and more people can afford buying cars. And the congestion issue becomes more serious in some populous area. And the congestion contributes a lot to bad air condition. In terms of traffic congestion, I have to mention Beijing. It has large population and huge number of cars. Locals complain […]

German Effluent Water Tax

Friday, March 8th, 2013

German Effluent Water Tax Intensive sectors (such as energy, chemicals, and construction) in the post-war period caused serious environmental problems as the construction of wastewater treatment facilities did not keep pace. Compared to other industrial nations, such as the UK and Japan, Germany did not have the option to dispose wastewater from its industrial areas […]

Policy analysis —Airlines Are Allocated by Carbon Permits in EU

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

Airlines Are Allocated by Carbon Permits in EU Air travel accounts for perhaps 3 to 5% of global carbon dioxide emissions, far below sources like deforestation, coal-fired electricity and automobiles. It is really no immediate alternative to carbon-intensive jet fuel. Airlines have experimented with biofuel mixes, but they’re still a long way from regular use. Starting 2012, the E.U. set to […]

Policy Analysis —- Regulation on biodiesel

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

Policy Analysis—- Regulation on biodiesel To promote the sale of biofuels, the federal government and several states offer excise tax credits for biofuel blends. Domestically produced ethanol, for example, receives a 51cents per gallon federal subsidy. On September 1, 2010, the government of Canada announced the finalization of Federal Renewable Fuel Regulations requiring an average of 5% renewable […]

The Way Ahead

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

The fiscal cliff will give a negative influence on future market. I will offset my long contracts of soybeans as soon as possible. I will not go short contracts of corn next week,because the Environmental Protection Agency has rejected requests from several governors — including Virginia’s — to waive fuel standards that require more corn to […]

Cool materials –fiscal cliff

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean futures ended lower on Thursday suspended for two days in a row of gains. Investors offset long positions due to “financial cliff” worries and good weather conditions inSouth America. Agricultural market price and theU.S.stock market all fell, the financial investors worried that cliff would not be resolved, theU.S.economy may […]

What went wrong

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

Ending balance as of 11-16-2012,           Position Value:  $2700.00         Cash Available:  $42857.69         Equity:         $45557.69         Realized Gains:  $6918.00 This week I do an experiment, proving that even though the information gives a sign of unbelievable continuing fall, the price trend are the same as the information shock. It is a failure to […]

The way ahead

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

For the most part, today’s USDA reports were negative for crop prices–more so for soybeans and less for corn and wheat. Corn prices are expected to remain in the sideways pattern experienced over the past six weeks while old crop wheat prices are expected to be supported within the wide range experienced since mid-July. Prices […]

Cool source of materials

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

The USDA report is released this week,which rises the estimation of production. The 2012 U.S. soybean crop is forecast at 2.971 billion bushels, 111 million larger than the October forecast and 80 million larger than the average trade guess. The U.S. average yield is forecast at 39.3 bushels, 1.1 bushels above the average trade guess, […]

What went right and wrong

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

This week, I went a short contract of corn and a short contract of soybean. I gain a lot in soybean, almost gain 100%.Additionaly,I gain a little in corn market, because of the soybean decreasing pressure. I can gain a lot because many reasons. Gradually, I find that the future price is easy to be […]

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