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Cool Source of Materials

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Cool Source of Materials Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) corn futures fell on Friday due to the seasonal harvest pressure and non-governmental organizations’ higher expectations ofU.S.corn production this year than the government estimated. Economics analyst, said in Friday that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will raise its corn production estimate to 11.194 billion […]

What Went Right and Wrong

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

This week I sell two contracts of corn and soybean. I haven’t offset both contracts until now. Generally, I did not lose too much. But this week the soybean future market is not easy to predict. It fluctuates a lot this week, while the corn increases steadily. Corn Oct 6 price in 753.25 today’s price […]

The Way Ahead

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

September 27, the Chicago Board of Trade soybean futures rises closed Friday, driven by the daily limit of corn futures and wheat futures rose 5%, assisting market to get rid of the U.S. Department of Agriculture the soybean inventory report negative impact on price rise. U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that, as of September 1, […]

What Went Right and Wrong

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

What Went Right and Wrong This week I sell two contracts of corn and soybean. I offset both contract in Friday. Now I have no future. Generally, I gain not too much. But this week the whole future market is not easy to predict. It fluctuate a lot this week. There is something right to […]

Cool Source of Information

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Cool Source of Information Recently, CBOT soybeans market showed a relatively weak state. After theUnited Statesdetermines to cut the harvest, the market has been the lack of fresh information guidelines. And it  is now in the soybean harvest season, the market worried about the influence ofU.S.harvest cut-down will not work as expected. Weather is good […]

Cool Source of imformation

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

I often refer to CME GROUP before I make a order. The price and volume everyday are drawn in detail. The trend is easily to found refering to the graph.          Additionaly,the comments of many experts are useful and reliable For beginners,the experience of veterans can inspire them how to make a brilliant order,when […]

The Road Ahead

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

    The price of corn next week is expected to be downwards.      Firstly, it lacks incentive to rise the corn price.  Growing wheat and corn price difference prompted farmers to increase the amount of alternative wheat for feeding livestock.  This is difficult to narrow the prce difference in a short period. The substitution reduces the consumption of maize, to […]

What Went Right

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

 Position Value 0   Cash Available $40374.57 Equity $40374.57 Realized Gains $374.00 Fortunately, my realized gains is $374. Cash available is $40374.51.I sell a contract of C3U corn in Sep,14th. The price of corn dropped down at the first two days, and the gains was 587 at the peak. I offset the contract in Wednesday.  Position […]

Why the creation of the gateway pipeline from Alberta to Kltimat BC will raise the price of crude oil for Canada refineries?

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

Why the creation of the gateway pipeline fromAlbertatoKltimat BC will raise the price of crude oil forCanadarefineries? From the radio(,the rasons are as following. Firstly, once the pipeline is built,Canadaproducers can access to Asian premium. Asian premium, the term refers to the US$1-US$2 (HK$7.80-HK$15.60) per barrel premium Middle Eastern oil producers, particularlySaudi Arabia, automatically levy […]

Hello world!

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

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