The e- Book War

The IPad vs. Amazon Kindle

–> Kindle vs. IPad

As the e – book market replaces paperbacks, hardcovers, and Chapters, it’s no surprise that more companies are switching their effort from other products to developing the company’s own version of the “e – book reader.”

So what does this mean for the producers and consumers?
More options for the consumers in terms of preferences – price, design, functionality, etc – but more competition for the producers who strive to differentiate their product.

A brief review of the pros and cons of the most prominent e – book readers on the market:

Amazon Kindle – Relatively cheap ($79 – 189), compact and lightweight; however, it has limited functions and apps, as in the reader cannot do much except to actually read with the device.

Sony Reader – Same functions as the new Amazon Kindle Fire with a much higher price of $149 and a clearer screen. The price is definitely a disadvantage

IPad with iOS 5 – This product should be considered a luxury (with a hefty price of $499). Consumers might decide to splurge anyways for the reason that the IPad is practically capable of so much more than just “reading on the bus.” Movies and games anyone?

Which one will you choose?


Picture:” alt=”The IPad vs. Amazon Kindle

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