Occupy Here, Occupy There, when will it end?

OCCUPY has been in the headlines of multiple newspapers this fall. Its massive movement erupted from the hearts of Wall Street, New York and has steadily, but rapidly trickled to economically wealthy cities all over North America. Vancouver even has its own separate movement in Downtown with a similar purpose.

In James Yue’s blog about the Occupy Crisis in New York, he observes this remarkable feat as a direct confrontation of the unfairness in wealth distribution amongst different social classes.

I agree with James’ perception that “this is a step forward for society to be more aware of corporate greed.” It is indeed time for the government to fulfill their duties as authoritative figure and intervene; however, if the government refuses to step out of neutrality, then the Occupy Movement becomes a nuisance to the norms of society.

The Occupy Movement barely scratched the surface of the corporate bubble and is doing more harm to the citizens than corporates ever did. If the government does not heed to the message, it will ultimately be the protesters who suffer from the consequence of this movement.


Strategies of Investment: From a “Behavioural Finance” Aspect

To follow – up on Maxwell Ma‘s suggestions on how to succeed as an investor, it is also critical for individuals to consider personal factors before diving into an abyss of red and green flashing numbers.

Although it is paramount to immerse oneself in researching the trend of the target market before settling in for action, the novice investor should also rationalize his/her own behaviour and norms prior to throwing down money.

Successful investments go beyond the normality of meticulous research and is actually tightly linked with psychology. An entire section of psychology – Behavioral Finance – is dedicated to studying what is formally known as the concept of “Investor Risk.

Every prominent investor realizes that he/she is the worst enemy during the decision making process of whether or not to sell or buy. Contrary to popular believe that numbers rule the market, it is actually the emotions of investors that dictate the playing field.

While greed leads to impulsive actions, fear compels the mind to take on a “fight or flight” response, especially during heavy fluctuations in the market.

My suggestion to aspiring investors: to evaluate oneself and one’s potential behaviour within the market before cracking open the research documents.


Marketing Cliches – Using Stock Photos

I recently discovered www.brandinsightblog.com, a business blog created by John Furgurson sharing his perceptions within the marketing world. One of his recent post on how using stock photos can hurt brand image particularly caught my interest, epescially after a crash course in class about customer service.

Its not uncommon for businesses to stumble into the unfortunate pool of visual cliche as stock photos of friendly, personable employees are plastered onto advertisements to reflect the health of the company.

While the charismatic smile of the employee in the photo charms consumers into believing that is the mood of the company, these stock photos can also hurt the company in such that it blends the company in with its competitors, thus losing its differentiation point.

“Stock photos don’t tell a story. That’s what makes them so universally appealing.”

– Senior Art Director, Eric Haag

The author mentions that credibility, relevance, and differentiation are key factors to a successful brand. With that in mind, companies looking to bring their product ahead of the game should seriously re-evaluate advertising strategies.

Instead of picking photos straight out of a catalogue, companies should produce their own and have images that truly represent the culture of the business.



The Future for Aspiring Commerce Graduates

Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of inputting MIS and BTM into the operation system; an adamant example would be the inception of IT for data back – up and protection.

Management services such as Stage 2 Data – a third party firm that handles client companies’ data backup needs – are  increasing their footprint in the business industry as companies begin to emphasize on “improving business innovation.”

Even small businesses are looking to allocate revenue towards creating a solid, cohesive IT system for support. For example, a business that deals with transactions with customers will likely take precautions in securing financial data while a company with a database of customers’ personal information will fortify barriers from potential data breaching.

“BTM is for students who are inspired to use technology to change the world”

– http://ccict.ca/ccict-strategy/btm

In response to the changing systems of business, it is important for aspiring business students to consider taking IT courses in order to maximize their educational qualification and excel in the future business industry. Perhaps it would be a smart choice for students to take up on the offer of Universities to double major in both Commerce and Computer Science!

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Corporations’ New Groove – “Social” Collaboration

Social tools reflect a somewhat different set of cultural and social ideas, they are less hierarchical and have less presumption about who needs to share information with whom, and they push the authority much lower down the organization

– Charles Armstrong, CEO of Social Analytics provider Trampoline Systems

The new decade of the 21st Century has been undermined by the oppressive force of the internet, most notably, its emperor – Social Media. More companies are starting to incorporate its use into management systems hoping for rapid, effective, communication results. The question then arises, will Social Media be a friend or foe to the fine lined structure of a business?

Austin’s: “Internal resistance to social and collaboration support initiatives grows as an exponential function of the number of employees, where the exponent is the number of hierarchy levels in the organisation.”

From the suggestive theory of Austin, it is evident that social collaboration itself is not the reason for malfunction in communication, rather, it is the people’s unwillingness to utilize its platform.

Often, employees are reluctant to share opinions in a online social pool since the CEO will likely be reading it. Other times, heated online debates about problems that cannot be resolved by the organization will cause the company to turn off social collaboration altogether.


Overminded Entertainment – From Ideas to Reality

November steps into the limelight carrying an array of fresh, seasonal ideas as aspiring senior students in SFU compete for the name of Student Entrepreneur of the Year. I was particularly intrigued by one of the many ingenious pitches, Overminded Entertainment, for the company’s fresh interpretation of online – media sharing.

Founded by Tyler Wenzel, Overminded Entertainment is a new take on Youtube and the music industry with the revolutionary idea of uniting fans with their favourite music artists through the video – based journalism website in where fans are invited to create the profiles of music artists. In addition, aspiring musicians will also have the chance to expand their fan base and broaden their own house name through online media.

Overminded Entertainment displays crucial characteristics of entrepreneurship, with the most notable being the high risk factor of close competition in the market. With the rising prominence of already established online streaming networks such as Youtube, the barrier of entry would definitely be tough to get through for this new media concept.

Although sudden, rapid increase in wealth is not plausible, the creator(s) of Overminded Entertainment deserve credit for introducing a fresh form of media interaction to the online community.

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