Overminded Entertainment – From Ideas to Reality

November steps into the limelight carrying an array of fresh, seasonal ideas as aspiring senior students in SFU compete for the name of Student Entrepreneur of the Year. I was particularly intrigued by one of the many ingenious pitches, Overminded Entertainment, for the company’s fresh interpretation of online – media sharing.

Founded by Tyler Wenzel, Overminded Entertainment is a new take on Youtube and the music industry with the revolutionary idea of uniting fans with their favourite music artists through the video – based journalism website in where fans are invited to create the profiles of music artists. In addition, aspiring musicians will also have the chance to expand their fan base and broaden their own house name through online media.

Overminded Entertainment displays crucial characteristics of entrepreneurship, with the most notable being the high risk factor of close competition in the market. With the rising prominence of already established online streaming networks such as Youtube, the barrier of entry would definitely be tough to get through for this new media concept.

Although sudden, rapid increase in wealth is not plausible, the creator(s) of Overminded Entertainment deserve credit for introducing a fresh form of media interaction to the online community.

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