Occupy Here, Occupy There, when will it end?

OCCUPY has been in the headlines of multiple newspapers this fall. Its massive movement erupted from the hearts of Wall Street, New York and has steadily, but rapidly trickled to economically wealthy cities all over North America. Vancouver even has its own separate movement in Downtown with a similar purpose.

In James Yue’s blog about the Occupy Crisis in New York, he observes this remarkable feat as a direct confrontation of the unfairness in wealth distribution amongst different social classes.

I agree with James’ perception that “this is a step forward for society to be more aware of corporate greed.” It is indeed time for the government to fulfill their duties as authoritative figure and intervene; however, if the government refuses to step out of neutrality, then the Occupy Movement becomes a nuisance to the norms of society.

The Occupy Movement barely scratched the surface of the corporate bubble and is doing more harm to the citizens than corporates ever did. If the government does not heed to the message, it will ultimately be the protesters who suffer from the consequence of this movement.


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