The Future for Aspiring Commerce Graduates

Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of inputting MIS and BTM into the operation system; an adamant example would be the inception of IT for data back – up and protection.

Management services such as Stage 2 Data – a third party firm that handles client companies’ data backup needs – are  increasing their footprint in the business industry as companies begin to emphasize on “improving business innovation.”

Even small businesses are looking to allocate revenue towards creating a solid, cohesive IT system for support. For example, a business that deals with transactions with customers will likely take precautions in securing financial data while a company with a database of customers’ personal information will fortify barriers from potential data breaching.

“BTM is for students who are inspired to use technology to change the world”


In response to the changing systems of business, it is important for aspiring business students to consider taking IT courses in order to maximize their educational qualification and excel in the future business industry. Perhaps it would be a smart choice for students to take up on the offer of Universities to double major in both Commerce and Computer Science!

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