What B.C Heritage, and the Environment, is worth to Enbridge

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It is impossible to ignore the First Nations as an integral part of our Canadian culture. This is especially so in a province rich in natural resources such as British Columbia. Reconciliation is a major issue for our province as we try to take responsibility for the unjust and unforgiveable damage caused to their heritage and culture. With the proposed pipeline, it seems completely irresponsible that a company like Enbridge feels they can offer financial compensation for a culture’s homeland. This is especially true considering the immense value and spiritual connection the First Nations place on their environment. It seems both unethical and disturbing to me that these critical facts can once again be ignored as history seems to repeat its general disregard for the value of our provinces most culturally rich history. Assuming ownership and entitlement to great amounts of land through such an invasive project proves the general devaluing of provincial territory by the companies in support. How can residents affected by the pipeline be in support when their opposition is easily masked by financial gains? How trustfully are they establishing themselves when their motives are highly questionable? No company proves reliable when exploiting a vulnerable population, and threatening the environment. There business model is incredibly flawed to believe they do not need to account for the potential for damage they are creating or the traditional land of Aboriginal groups they are infringing upon in a completely insensitive manner.




