The Innovative Nature of Cultivating an Employees First Attitude

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Thinking differently has been the basis of many revolutionary tech companies. It seems incredibly simple considering the complexity of their field of work. Yet, these simple values become critical to companies success in a constantly evolving field. Cultivating employees who feel empowered to trust their instincts and create is something I believe should be a universal standard.   Google’s insights into management seem basic yet are hard to come by in the job market. How many places bargain an allotted twenty percent of time to individual projects? Holding these philosophies also fosters individual employees. It also attracts a higher caliber of employees motivated to take incentive and utilize the freedom granted.

An enormously successful Apple campaign based of the idea of thinking differently one of the company's core values.

An enormously successful Apple campaign based of the idea of thinking differently one of the company’s core values.

In addition, making management decisions that value employees is an enormously beneficial investment. It cultivates employee’s interests and individuality, fostering a greater sense of commitment, and in turn, productivity. A happy employee aids in generating a positive brand image, as they are largely responsible for implementing policies and values on a consumer level. In many circumstances, the employees on storefront are the most devalued. Yet, they carry a majority of a company’s interaction with the public. In a culture that thrives upon feeling important, companies need to change their strategies to motivate employees.


A glimpse into the unconventional Google headquarters in Napa Valley.



