Women for Women in the Workplace
In response to Vanessa Lee’s blog post, another classmate, Dallas Barnes, added a different incite into the ongoing debate regarding the lack of respect women face in the workplace. Dallas commented on the notion that women gaining respect is not about males granting women their ‘rights’ but about women being liberated and taking action for themselves. I share the idea that in order to eradicate gender inequalities within high power positions, it is critical for women to have the strength and motivation to foster success. I also believe that it is more important for the overall fight for gender equality that women must be able to support other women.
I firmly believe that one crucial reason for the discrepancy in the executive workforce is the competition women feel against other women. Instead of being a unified team, many women feel they are constantly at competition with other women, even more so then with their male educational and skillset equivalents. Female leaders must not only work harder to establish equal respect, but women also face harsher scrutiny by their fellow females.
Together, women can be a prevalent force in all areas of business. Allowing women the confidence to succeed requires women to reevaluate their preconceived judgments, and to stand behind women already succeeding in their careers and making a positive change.