“Kraft” Launches Comeback Plan for “Jell-O”

Kraft Company being owner of several products in the snack business (Kool-Aid, Velveeta, etc.) faced an unexpected decrease in the sales of their Jell-O products. Kraft is planning on conducting another advertising campaign with the goal of re-establishing the core purpose of the product. This new campaign I believe has it’s positive and negative factors. The advertising campaign’s goal is also to make customers aware of the product and it points of difference comparing to its competitors, therefore taking the product from the decline stage in the product life cycle, to the development stage. However, launching the new campaign can risk that the time they consumed on planning and research might not succeed as they expected.

Since one of the core aspects when marketing and positioning a product is to focus oncreating a good long-lasting reputation and image, I believe that one of the features the company should focus is on balancing points of difference and points of parity. The external factors such as the customers taste vary throughout time; therefore the brand should be flexible enough to be able to blend in with their customers wants. For example, the article states that the product “…was very successful while the diet trend continued,” however this trend shifted and now there is a different perception of diet trends, therefore it doesn’t fall into placed with their old marketing strategies.


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