Day 2-Racing Around Reykjavik

Boomdeadda! Whohoo finally alive and ready to articulate! After a seven hour flight over Canada, the Atlantic Ocean and parts of Greenland we arrived in Reykjavik to find we had all transformed into zombies. However with a belly full of authentic Icelandic food and a good night’s rest most of us have returned to our “normal” state.

We started the day with a crash course on Icelandic language and culture. Caitlin (our Icelandic hostess) and Kristi (Icelandic Linguist) guided use through basic Icelandic survival necessities. We learned that all hot water in Reykjavik is heated by geothermal energy, but smells like eggs because of the sulfur additive, not the naturally occurring smell that you get at the “hot pots” (geothermal swimming pools”). Caitlin told us that beer didn’t become legal until 1989, which is why Icelanders are making up for lost times and rampage the city on the weekends. We were told to buy an Icelandic sweater so we could blend in better (see photo below)…

By the end of our Icelandic language lesson (taught by Kristi) we were all fluent and ready to take on the town. What better way to take on the town than an epic scavenger hunt to the death (Hunger Games Part II)? JOKES, but in reality this scavenger hunt was know laughing matter it was only a race for Trojan 6 packs, cheetah sprints, wolf howls and unwavering concentration.

The Start: KEX Hostel 1:00PM
The Finish: KEX Hostel 3:30PM
The Course: 13 “Hot Spots” around Reykjavik

Check out the photos shot during the HUNT:

Race Summary: 
3, 2, 1…and they’re off.  Immediately Team Purple Hair took the lead (Gary, Maddie and Piper) and started sprinting toward the renowned glass Opera House. While the other groups meandered around town eating hot dogs and swimming with the ducks Team Purple Hair sloshed through the rain (it was really raining), and managed to get all 13 photos! It was a tight race until the end and Team Purple Hair almost lost it to The Big Group of Girls, but managed to slide through the hostel doors just in time. WINNING.

Team Purple Hair hopes that everyone will join them for a game of “RAMS” (the prize: the Ramming Card Game) in the upcoming days. 

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