Student-Directed Seminars

The Student-Directed Seminars (SDS) program at UBC gives upper-year students the one-of-a-kind chance to create their own course experience with a learning community of highly engaged students.

How does it work?

  • A student coordinator chooses a topic of interest that’s not currently offered at UBC, and designs a course around it (with help from a Faculty Sponsor and SDS advisors)
  • All SDS courses are 3-credit, 400-level seminars, which only run once. They have different departments and prerequisites depending on the subject matter. Check out the other seminars for 2017-18 (though this is obviously the best one 😉 )
  • Up to 15 student participants (including the coordinator) will explore the course material together. Unlike most other courses, there’s no professor lecturing from the front of the room each class, so students will investigate the topic through different learning activities like group discussions, research papers, presentations, guest lectures, and applied problem-solving
  • Students can only take one SDS over their time at UBC! (unfortunately!)

Why take an SDS?

  • Join a small, intimate learning community
  • Meet other highly motivated students
  • Explore cutting-edge topics of interest to you, for course credit!
  • Take ownership of your own learning by co-creating the seminar with fellow participants (including the coordinator)
  • Learn and grow in novel ways through hands-on experiences not usually offered in  university classroom settings

Sounds like fun? Click on the “About” page for more info about this particular seminar 🙂