Unit Two Reflection









This unit has been an eye-opener for me. A few weeks back, I was tested positive for Covid-19, facing a multitude of problems along with time management and concentration. However, I always felt the need to complete every assignment in this unit as I knew the amount of value it would add to my professional identity and writing skills. Initially, I struggled with finding a topic for my formal report. Being an international student, I wanted to cover an inefficiency I had witnessed in Vancouver, and brainstorming while sitting in India was quite a task. I questioned myself on every topic I thought of and doubted myself every step of the way. Yet, I feel the topic I chose addresses a pertinent issue that has made headlines on the internet and has great scope in rectifying its issue.  The assignment to pen down an outline of my formal report was motivational and encouraging. Gaining peer advice, I understood the importance of acknowledging an audience while writing.

Following, engaging with my forgotten LinkedIn profile was an asset for me. The guidelines for the assignment helped me polish my profile and build a professional social identity with results that will benefit me in the corporate world. I created my LinkedIn as any other social media platform but after this assignment, I recognized the importance it has the value of networking that it creates and the significance of acknowledging and posting my professional achievements.

Overall, I believe these experiences have significantly impacted my view of writing and brainstorming. While submitting, I always thought my final document would be sufficient to complete my course requirement with distinction. However, the process of peer-reviewing has shown its merit and made me understand that there are numerous potential avenues to fix and address my writing. Therefore, the true ideology of personal growth isn’t always intrinsic but having another set of eyes on your work highlights certain rooms for improvement!



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