Letter of Application




Dear English 301 colleagues,

I am writing to you to formally present myself as a potential candidate for your writing team. I am a third year student with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies, having English as a secondary field of study in it.

I am thrilled and excited to venture out the expanse of technical writing with a group that is meticulous and enthusiastic. Personally, I have taken courses such as Political Science, English, and Creative Writing throughout my academic tenure and have multitude of experience with writing, in all its dynamic forms. Lengthy papers and expository research have surrounded my varied educational programs since grade 9. Having done the International Baccalaureate program in my high school, I took English as one of my Higher Level courses and graduated with distinction in it. Coming from India, English isn’t my native tongue and people would also be surprised with my fluency and control over the language.

I have plenty of experiences in the field of journalism and marketing, where I had to prepare booklets worth of data, analysis, and information that were beneficial to the firms I worked under. Through these opportunities, I believe I have gained numerous insights on the nuances of writing which have founded the bases of critical evaluation and comprehensive word-building in me. While I would always struggle with numbers, words have always been my plus point.

Coming to UBC, I am the Marketing Director for the UBC TAC’s club, where I need to appropriately write content for posts and corporate relation packages in context to our targeted audiences. This provided me with the skills to recognize the duality of words and how diction can play an important role in articulating my club’s thoughts and visions. Furthermore, I am also a Peer Career Counsellor where I am being trained on employing coherency and precision with the advice and support I give to my fellow student groups, virtually and on text. Such exposure has not only led an internal growth in my language and its systematic usage, but also externally where I am able to gauge the appropriate setting and use the right words in context.

I look forward to being a part of your group and promise to be diligent with the work I do. If you think I would be a good fit for your team, please do contact me via email at ishaanvora45@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration. Hoping to hear from you soon!


Ishaan Vora.


301 Ishaan Vora – Application Letter


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