AAPL: should we continue to buy


AAPL or Apple as many people may know it has one of the worlds most sought after stock. Making it one of the worlds most valuable companies.  However they are also one of the large companies that does not offer dividends to its stock holders. Then what makes apple so sought after.


As you may be aware there are two main strategies to invest in stock:

Fundamental: Long term, investing with the hopes of the the companies future discounted cash flows and for dividends.

Technical: Short term, selling to the “fool” to make a profit, meaning that you buy a stock and then sell it for a higher value.


Many investors often buy apple stock to pawn it off for a profit as apple stock has been increasing for the last decade. However, I feel that apple is one of those special companies that makes people buy into apple stock to be part of this company that has an almost cult like status among its fans created by both its products and its founder.

In Memory

“I want to put a ding in the universe.”- Steve Jobs

Unfortunately, the pioneer and visionary of Apple, Steve Jobs passed away this year, leaving us with a brand that must try live without him. I would like to take amoment to acknowledge the impact he has had on our lives and proving to us that the impossible was actually at the grasp of our hands by providing us with that “ding”.

Sustainability; a true business aim or a facade?

Three pillars of sustainable development

The three pillars of sustainability is a very important concept. Before the lesson on sustainability, I had a very narrow view, only looking at the environment when someone brought up sustainability. To me this diagram effectively illustrates what sustainability really is, especially for a business.

However, today there is a very strong focus on the environment, this is because of the impact our increased consumerism and globalization has had on the planet. This means that most businesses have started to associate sustainability with the environment. Unfortunately, often these events can be taken as marketing stunts such as Coca Cola’s Polar Bear Fund. The fund aims to provide $2 million over the next 5 years but for a multi-billion dollar company that has continually supported the polar bears, this does not seem to be enough.

Is this okay?

Yes, I feel this is justifiable because the end justifies the means and even the motive. If large firms continue to try and become more environmentally sustainable even with profit motives behind them, they are still achieving some good and benefiting the global community to some scale.


The Occupy movement



The Occupy Movement

This blog post on the economist by A.S: Occupy Grandma’s house, was really able to highlight the ironic situation that is taking place in America. This was done through the presentation of the OWS movements juxtaposition as a march in washington by the elderly who are against their movement.



This highlights how the economic landscape has changed so much during the past decade, that people of older generations are unable to understand many of the problems youth are facing today. Though people tend to dismiss the movement, the support it has gained really represents how there is a problem in America.

The Problem…

The movement often refers to the problem as being the 1%, these are the wealthy individuals who are able to tip the wealth distribution in their favour. However, I believe that the problem does not lie in the fact that these 1% have as much as they do, rather it is in the different lobbying groups in America fighting over the rest of the resources.


The Solution…

As a first year business student, it is not for me to say. However, I agree with the article by A.S as it does a good job by emphasizing how both America and Europe need to reform their entitlement models in place.

We can fight the power!


The internet itself has been one of the most important creations, however it can be credited for creating many more changes in our world. One such important change is the invention of the online business model. This is a very simple model in which the internet acts as a platform creating a direct link between the consumer and the business.


A very successful example of this was highlighted by Mr.Nagarajan, who lectured about Dells transfer to the direct online model. However, I feel that the consumer has now been empowered.


This is because we now have freedom of choice, because when I was a child living in India we could only visit a few stores. I remember when I wanted a Nintendo…

“$1000, for that?…The box says $50”

Stores that brought imported things such as Nintendos were able to monopolize the industry and charge whatever they liked. However, today if a store charges too much we can use google or go to sites such as Amazon.


This power of choice is very important because it means that consumers are now able to protect themselves from being abused by large firms. Finally, the relationship is balanced and we are able to fulfill our desires.

Nokia: A market research tragedy


, a brand that holds many memories and emotions for those who grew up during the 90s. Some of us will remember it for the 2-D games like snake and some were lucky enough to own one with the bold”NOKIA” logo on the top.


Nokia’s Mistakes 

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” -Alan Kay

After the invention of the iPhone and other smart phones, the name Nokia does not hold the same prestige as it did 5 years ago. Unfortunately for the Finish company had invented touch screen technology far before Apple. However, they had not listened to the market and consumer feedback on how their product line or Symbian Operating System and unable to give the emmersive experience as they so desired.

Since Nokia decided to ignore the market feedback and incorrectly address the problems such as their take of the lack of apps by creating the N-Gage, they lost a significant amount of market share. This lack of attention to primary and secondary qualitative data would be followed by quantitative data in the form of decline in sale figures.

The slow recovery 

As Elaine Williamson pointed out “If you don’t give the consumer what they want, they are not going to spend money to buy it”. Thankfully, Nokia has finally started it’s transition into meeting the customer desires and listening to the market research they gather by their release of their new smartphone line such as the X7. However, Nokia still reveals that they are not for change as they are unable to let go of Symbian and switch over to the Windows OS.