Nokia: A market research tragedy


, a brand that holds many memories and emotions for those who grew up during the 90s. Some of us will remember it for the 2-D games like snake and some were lucky enough to own one with the bold”NOKIA” logo on the top.


Nokia’s Mistakes 

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” -Alan Kay

After the invention of the iPhone and other smart phones, the name Nokia does not hold the same prestige as it did 5 years ago. Unfortunately for the Finish company had invented touch screen technology far before Apple. However, they had not listened to the market and consumer feedback on how their product line or Symbian Operating System and unable to give the emmersive experience as they so desired.

Since Nokia decided to ignore the market feedback and incorrectly address the problems such as their take of the lack of apps by creating the N-Gage, they lost a significant amount of market share. This lack of attention to primary and secondary qualitative data would be followed by quantitative data in the form of decline in sale figures.

The slow recovery 

As Elaine Williamson pointed out “If you don’t give the consumer what they want, they are not going to spend money to buy it”. Thankfully, Nokia has finally started it’s transition into meeting the customer desires and listening to the market research they gather by their release of their new smartphone line such as the X7. However, Nokia still reveals that they are not for change as they are unable to let go of Symbian and switch over to the Windows OS.



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