We can fight the power!


The internet itself has been one of the most important creations, however it can be credited for creating many more changes in our world. One such important change is the invention of the online business model. This is a very simple model in which the internet acts as a platform creating a direct link between the consumer and the business.


A very successful example of this was highlighted by Mr.Nagarajan, who lectured about Dells transfer to the direct online model. However, I feel that the consumer has now been empowered.


This is because we now have freedom of choice, because when I was a child living in India we could only visit a few stores. I remember when I wanted a Nintendo…

“$1000, for that?…The box says $50”

Stores that brought imported things such as Nintendos were able to monopolize the industry and charge whatever they liked. However, today if a store charges too much we can use google or go to sites such as Amazon.


This power of choice is very important because it means that consumers are now able to protect themselves from being abused by large firms. Finally, the relationship is balanced and we are able to fulfill our desires.

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