Comm 101: don’t drop it!

What I have learnt

The basics of business, from the world of marketing and the creation of brands to the number crunching and financial analysis.

However, more importantly I have had an opportunity to learn about the world. Having distinguished speakers coming in and sharing their stories and passions was not only unique but very inspirational. I also feel that I have grown as an individual, from learning to take every class as a meeting, to actually talking in a class of a hundred student. Through the group work I was able to meet people and share my passions and ideas with them, getting me used to the kinds of group work that will come in the years ahead at Sauder.

Without this class I would not be able to write a blog or use a clicker. I feel that this class has helped me not only learn in the classroom but given me the tools that have taught me how to learn.


As mentioned, I had been inspired by listening to the stories of the professionals that had come in. On thursday the 24th of November I took this one step further meeting Roberto Aquilini, of the Aquilini Investment Group.

I was able to learn about his story and his struggles in life. Yet, it was a very humbling experience and a rare opportunity to meet such a high profile business, I must that both my professors in Comm 101, as I feel without them I would be unable to hold my self in a professional manner and keep up the conversation with him.

Micro-credit: a solution to a big problem

“I made a list of people who needed just a little bit of money. And when the list was complete, there were 42 names. The total amount of money they needed was $27.” I was shocked –  Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a great economist and also the founder and pioneer behind the Grameen Bank which is an institution providing Micro Credit such as small loans.


The Benefit:

In todays world, nearly half of the populations earns less than $2.50, normal banks do not seem to be a fit for these people. This is where Micro-credit comes in, as these people can be given loans which could help them achieve great success. This makes it a tool to alleviate poverty as it helps people help themselves.

For society micro-credit also has its benefits. This is because it helps bring opportunities that would not exist to people that may have great ideas. This gives society the benefit of their success.

It is people like Muhammad Yunus who have gone out of their way to establish this sort of finance for the people. Though there are not many rags to riches story the amount of good done with a small donation is disproportionate helping people achieve something that could change their live with a couple of cents. Making this one of the most sustainable ways to solve poverty in todays world.

The road to being an Entrepreneur

As Drew mentioned in his blog, having Joel Primus come in and talk about his story was not only inspirational but also eye opening. As a person Joel seemed humble, persistant and passionate, qualities that I feel make him good at what he is at.

What is Naked?

Naked is a Premium Underwear brand, that targets the new urban metrosexual male. The underwear itself uses high quality italian microfiber and is available for purchase at Holt Renfrew.

What I learnt

Joel is successful today, however over the past few years he has been through many challenges that would cause even the bravest person to give up. His story is an inspiration, because he believed in himself and that was enough for him to keep going.

Working for yourself might be something worth considering, however like Joel most entrepreneurs face challenges. It is only through patience that these will be overcome. Also I was able to see how rewarding owning a business can be, even though Joel was humble his passion and drive were clearly present as he presented to us.

A side note on Brand

Also Joel stressed the importance of Brand is very important, especially in what you decide your nice market is going to be. This is because brand is the feeling you create amongst your target market and if you are able to give them what they want they will come to you.