The Occupy movement



The Occupy Movement

This blog post on the economist by A.S: Occupy Grandma’s house, was really able to highlight the ironic situation that is taking place in America. This was done through the presentation of the OWS movements juxtaposition as a march in washington by the elderly who are against their movement.



This highlights how the economic landscape has changed so much during the past decade, that people of older generations are unable to understand many of the problems youth are facing today. Though people tend to dismiss the movement, the support it has gained really represents how there is a problem in America.

The Problem…

The movement often refers to the problem as being the 1%, these are the wealthy individuals who are able to tip the wealth distribution in their favour. However, I believe that the problem does not lie in the fact that these 1% have as much as they do, rather it is in the different lobbying groups in America fighting over the rest of the resources.


The Solution…

As a first year business student, it is not for me to say. However, I agree with the article by A.S as it does a good job by emphasizing how both America and Europe need to reform their entitlement models in place.

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