The Invisible Sun
Walking as ghosts
Talking as mutes
Looked through like an endless prairie
We are Indigenous woman
The ones who are not seen
The ones who are not heard
The ones invisible
We work hard
We live
We breathe and eat
We are women
We are human
The sun
The invisible sun
The star up in the sky
They choose not to look at
Are incapable of hearing the power it lashes out
We are Indigenous woman
The ones who are not seen
The ones who are not heard
The ones invisible
We are like the sun
We hold a power
A power that is chosen not to be seen
A power unheard of
A power that burns if neglected
We are Indigenous woman
The ones who will be seen
Ones who will be heard
Ones who will bring light to their darkness
Hello Crystal, this is so beautiful, “The Invisible Sun”, I am so proud of all you have accomplished, Love Annette