As I stumbled across Anglea Lee’s Blog, how the social enterprise beings me back to the lesson we had about the CSR, which carries CSV out. The firm that was mentioned in her blog “Social Sister” have form the main goal of investing in women entrepreneurship while making some profit to a degree where it may continue to pursue CSV.
They have distinguished themselves from charity to for-profit organisation. A charity is where they have no intention for profit, whereby they may recieve public donation. As for Solar Sister in this case, they are for-profit, however its just that they do use the profit in re-investing for shared value, acting out Corporate’s Social responsibility.
Reconcieving Products and Markets
They have recongnise the need of equality in society, and they have aim at the segment of women entrepurenership, Equality plays a big part in an economy. If women were not recognised in work, its simply a waste of human resource – the skills and knbowledge they posses. Furthermore, they do promote enviornmental impact, which is the greatest unmet needs in the global economy.